make to order blower

Make-To-Order Blower

Turnkey solutions that are designed from scratch to match your exact specifications and product guidelines.

Efficiency and Reliability

These are the two most important criteria when specifying a custom heavy-duty fan. Air handling systems need rigorous quality checks before they are used for emission into the atmosphere. A cleaner, safer environment is topmost priority and to achieve that high energy requirements arise, making the operating efficiency of the fan even more critical. Cheap fans are low in efficiency and they increase your operating costs with time. Chosen wisely, high-efficiency fans will not only help you save future costs but will also use less natural resources to run the system, thereby decreasing your overall carbon footprint. A high efficiency Centrifugal or Axial fan will produce low sound levels. The more efficient a fan is, the quieter it will be. A quieter fan will need less sound insulating materials, sometimes none at all. You save costs significantly in the longer run. 

Our substantial reputation is built on its ability to design and adapt to products specifically for the needs of customers with very particular requirements.

Modular Blower: By encompassing the broadest product line in our business, we carry the expertise to engineer customized, user-centric solutions to meet the specific requirements of even the most demanding commercial and industrial applications. Our modular blowers can be designed to suit your existing plant’s space limitations. Meticulous tests are routinely performed by both independent testing services and inhouse personnel to ensure the safety and reliability of the modular custom-built fans. These fans are checked for any performance issues and vibrations, and are modified accordingly to achieve peak performance consistently. We can also modify the fans with zero leakage construction and for abrupt temperature and speed changes.

Bespoke Applications: We have organized our product line conveniently in a way that can help you identify the best fan for your specific needs and systems. We follow an in-house custom quality control and quality check process to meet our clients’ specific needs. Certified welders and efficient welding procedures are used wherever necessary. We incorporate a wide range of construction materials to cater to bespoke construction needs. Our workers are trained to use hygienic and clean equipment, including safety shoes and coats while constructing blowers for food-based applications.